Sunday, February 1, 2009

Searching for a Band for the Reception

One of the few things Thom really wants for our wedding is a live band at the reception.

Last night Thom and I checked out our first prospect for a band, the G-Daddy's. We went out to Gus O'Conners in Rochester which was a bit of a hike from our house.

Thom had talked to a member of the band over email to get some initial info. We introduced ourselves while they were setting up at the pub. TJ, the drummer, came over to talk to us for a few minutes before they started to play. TJ seemed nice, polite, and honest - he didn't really give us the run around. He explained what they normally do for weddings and what they are willing to do.

The band sounded really good to both of us. The crowd was getting into the music and there were lots of people dancing. I walked around the pub and took a poll to see what a few random people thought about the band. Everyone liked them, and I actually met a few family members of the band. Even TJ's Grandma came out to the show - she of course said the band was great and that we should hire them :)

One of the things we both like about this band is that they DJ and emcee the whole evening too. That way we won't have to worry about bringing in an i-Pod to play during their breaks.

Even though we both liked the G-Daddy's we are going to check out a few other bands to make sure. Thom is going to make a few calls this week to follow up on some other bands.

Everyone says the cake tasting is one of the funnest things when planning a wedding... but I gotta say that going to pubs to check out bands is pretty awesome.


  1. Live music! Great! Thom (TJ)is a drummer too! Cake is cake, enjoy the pubs!

    The Older Thom

  2. I think the cake tasting is the best part of planning!
