Monday, March 9, 2009

Marriage Classes

To be married in the Catholic Church you are required to take Marriage Preparation Classes. Father Fred gave us the class listing, and we have signed up for the May class at a Church in Dearborn, MI.

The class is lead by a married couple from the church. I think it is meant to complement the meetings you have with the Pastor, and give you advise from a couple's perspective. I am glad we are taking the class, I always thought it was odd to be getting marriage advice from a man who was never married.

We have some homework to do before the class. I looked over the questions and they are mainly about family history. We have to make a full out family tree all the way back to our Great Grandparents.

The class is a two day event. Friday evening and all day Saturday... and no food is provided. I better bring us some lunch and some snacks.

1 comment:

  1. And don't forget to bring a couple of stouts... :)

