Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Groom's Men

Since we have introduced you to the Bride's Maids, we should probably introduce you to the Groom's Men.

Thom has officially asked all of the guys, and they were more than happy to take part in our festivities! But Thom is a guy of few words, so we will just keep this short and sweet.

Andy - Best Man; Friend since their freshman year at Kettering
Joey - Groom's Man and Usher (we are making him do double duty); Little brother
Nick - Groom's Man; Friends since childhood (they grew up down the street from each other)
Dave - Groom's Man; Buddy since freshman year at Kettering

Like I said, Thom wanted to keep it simple so that is all the detail you get.


  1. Awwwwww Make him work!!! :) xoxoxoxo

  2. I don't understand how he and Nick both grew up down the street from each other, one of them had to be "up" the street. Sorry Amanda, I pray that Thom does not have my humor.
    And there is nothing "little" about Joey, we feed him!
    Thom 1

  3. What do you know, Thom says we have a google
    account. Learn something new everyday!

    Sorry guys, can't control Thom1

